Paediatric Care

Many parents ask if Chiropractic care is appropriate for their children. Furthermore the concept that children may benefit from Chiropractic is totally foreign to many. In fact, Chiropractors have been caring for children for over 100 years as a form of natural health care, with over 1 million paediatric visits annually in Australia alone.
While a child’s body and spine is incredibly flexible and commonly perceived as being capable of bouncing back, even minor stresses can potentially change the function of their joints and nervous system. The nervous system controls how your child grows and develops, helping to coordinate everything your child does, from breathing and digesting, to sitting and running, playing, thinking, expressing and feeling.
The earliest challenge a growing spine faces is the position it is forced to adopt in-utero, a situation worsened if your baby was breech, transverse or posterior.
After checking your child for asymmetry in function of muscles and tissues of the spine and cranium, our Chiropractors naturally modify our adjustment techniques from those used on adults, and adapt them for the child’s growing spine (particularly babies). Our approach to their care reflects the immaturity and continuous development of their nervous system, whilst recognising that Chiropractic may not be the only treatment option and collaborating with other health care providers where appropriate. We can also offer posture support and appropriate exercises for children.
At Bremer Chiropractic we have a special interest in children’s health, and have helped a number of children and families that have benefited from receiving our care.