
Why Chiropractic?
Is your body functioning at it’s best or are you struggling? Maybe you are feeling okay and you want to make sure that you stay that way? Maybe you have been suffering for years and have been through every scan, procedure and drug with no results and no hope? Our chiropractors see all different ages for a variety of different reasons but the practice of chiropractic comes down to one thing… Improving how your body functions. We believe that your body was made to express health. Health is it’s natural state. If your body isn’t healthy, our job is to find and remove the interference. This unique approach to health and healing is what makes chiropractic different from most modern medical treatments.
Yes, we are classically known to relieve the symptoms of headaches and neck or back pain but recent research is showing chiropractic as an important tool in improving the brain-body connection. If you want to learn more about this and are into the science behind how chiropractic has gotten amazing results for over 100 years, head to our section About Chiropractic
What to expect from us
1. A thorough health history and exam.
2. Upfront recommendations – our staff put you first and will not hesitate to refer you for specific spinal X-rays if our chiropractor decides it is necessary.
3. We will clearly explain what is happening in your body and, how we can help. Chiropractors receive a huge amount oftraining and education, far more than most people realize. However, we won’t overwhelm you with medical talk.
4. A Tailored Treatment Schedule aimed towards relieving your painful symptoms as quickly as possible. Your treatment schedule will be customized specifically to meet your needs and goals, then monitored and adjusted according to your progress. “We never give you the hard sell only our best recommendations. Ultimately, it’s your health and your choice.”
5. Education into the important role spinal health and hygiene plays in your overall health and well being. Many people use chiropractic care regularly to optimize their health and combat the gradual spinal decay from our modern lifestyles of sitting and repetitive activities.
Here are the Chiropractic techniques used at Bremer Chiropractic
Diversified Adjustment
Manual adjusting is a term used in chiropractic to refer to the original chiropractic technique of adjusting: that is, the chiropractors hands are the only tool used.
A series of gentle thrusts at various points along the spine correct the joint restrictions that are found. Almost all chiropractors will use some form of manual adjusting techniques.
Activator Technique
The Activator technique aims to restore spinal balance by correcting vertebral and pelvic misalignment using an Activator instrument to push and restore the joint motion.
The activator – the ‘little clicking thing’ – is the instrument that the doctor places at the site of adjustment and as they squeeze it, it clicks and delivers a gentle thrust. The gentle force can be adjusted to suit patients ranging from infants to the elderly.
Drop Piece Technique
In a large number of chiropractic clinics, the tables used have an option to use a special “drop piece”. This piece can be adjusted to various resistances and raised up a short distance so that when the chiropractor applies an adjustment, at the same time the table drops. The dropping of the table allows for a lighter manual adjustment with no reduction in effectiveness. Drop piece tables are now found in almost all chiropractic schools.
Thompson Technique
Thompson Technique is a high velocity, low force approach to adjusting the spinal column and its extremities. This technique uses a ‘drop table’ for adjustment, where a gentle thrust is applied to the joints, which in turn, sets the drop piece into motion and targets the specific joint or tissue.
After completing a leg check analysis, your chiropractor will determine the type of misalignment – cervical, pelvic, etc, – and then adjusts using a combination of multiple thrusts on various joints.
Sacral Occipital Technique (S.O.T.)
SOT is a popular gentle technique that looks at the relationship between the cranial bones and the sacrum. Inside your spinal column and through your brain cerebrospinal fluid is circulated. Fixations in your pelvis or cranial bones can inhibit that CSF circulation causing stagnation.
This technique looks to correct those fixations and restore proper CSF flow. The hallmark of this technique is the cranial work and the use of blocks under the pelvis.
Soft Tissue Trigger Point Therapy
We go beyond just adjusting the spine at Bremer. We also will look for adhesion in your muscles. This soft tissue technique involves locating isolated tender spots in muscles which, when compressed, reproduces the pain pattern of the patient. Both direct pressure and stretch techniques are used to relieve these trigger points.
Webster Technique, chiropractic for pregnancy
This is a specific chiropractic technique developed for during pregnancy. The alignment of the pelvis and back is important during pregnancy for both mum and baby.
The goal of Webster’s technique is to remove fixations and imbalance in the pelvis thereby reducing uterine torsion and maximizing space inside the pelvis and birth canal.
This maximized space can allow a baby that is in breech to turn itself. Several of our chiropractors are certified by the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association in Webster.
Extremity Adjusting
Chiropractors also treat extremities – such as shoulders, wrists, knees, ankles – to mobilise muscles and joints that may be causing musculoskeletal problems.
The goal of extremity treatment is to restore mobility and nerve supply to joints and extremities that are affecting the neuromuscular system.